History Includes Some Odd Teeth Traditions
There’s a lot of strange stuff buried in the history of dental health and hygiene.
There’s a lot of strange stuff buried in the history of dental health and hygiene.
Childhood is a time of scraped knees and bumps and bruises as kids run around discovering the world.
Daily brushing and flossing are essential to keep a growing child’s smile healthy, but we already know that.
Staying informed about the symptoms and risk factors of oral cancer is incredibly important.
If you’re short on fun topics of conversation for your next party, might we interest you in some weird mouth trivia?
One of the most prominent figures of the magic of childhood is the Tooth Fairy.
Most of us can still remember what it was like to lose a baby tooth, especially that major Big Kid milestone of losing the first one.
March is women’s history month so we’re celebrating two trailblazers for women dentists in North America.
Canker sores might be small, but they tend to mean days of distracting discomfort.